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Renewable Energy Projects for the Scottish Islands

Updated: Sep 17

A Tale of Two Ferries

Two Ferries.

Two Islands.

Two Teams (both battered by hailstones in June).

Two journeys home.

We have many Clients on the islands of the West Coast, and we travel there often.

Their energy resource can often be better, its wetter and windier over there. But costs are higher and there is the unmentionable issue of transport (come on Calmac!). Though to be fair, when you do get on, there is nothing like driving onto that Calmac ferry after a long rain soaked week away.

Energy costs can be higher for our remoter communities and whilst we (Proterra) cannot hide from the fact that costs are higher to delivery our services and solution to our Islands based customers, hopefully by working constructively with them and our local partners we can take away some of the pain.

Looking forward to 5 more projects this year on Skye, Mull, Islay, Harris and Lewis.

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